Saturday, December 11, 2010

Top Ten Global Fears(Phobias)

This is a global fears top ten:

1. Fear of public speaking (Glossophobia)

2. Fear of death (Necrophobia)

3. Fear of spiders (Arachnophobia)

4. Fear of darkness (Achluophobia, Scotophobia or Myctophobia)

5. Fear of heights (Acrophobia)

‎6. Fear of people or social situations (Sociophobia)

7. Fear of flying (Aerophobia)

8. Fear of open spaces(Agoraphobia)

9. Fear of thunder and lightning(Brontophobia)

10. Fear of confined spaces(Claustrophobia)

Informative Regards,

My Hostel Room

Being this as the Month Of Christmas ,

To add a touch to the christmas celebration , christ has born on our room.

A Small Manger. We the room mates extend our warm Welcome and our great wish to Jesus christ to born , not only on cribs but on all our hearts too.

Christ Born On our hearts giving new life,hope & Peace.

We Welcome You Jesus.

"Happy Birthday jesus......."

Thankful Regards,

Itz All About Christmas

You celebrate it, you enjoy it – but have you ever wondered what is Christmas? Calling you friends and families over for delectable meals, exchanging gifts by the side of beautifully adorned trees, this is what we comprehend of the Christmas holidays.

But what exactly is this widely celebrated time of the year all about?

What is Christmas?

When it comes to discussing the origins of Christmas, many theories have been brought forward claiming one thing or the other about Christmas. The widely-believed theory suggests that Christmas has been with us for over 4,000 years and celebrations similar to that of Christmas took place even before the birth of the Christ child.

Although Christmas is celebrated on December 25 every year, About Christmas it has been said that Jesus was in fact born in the spring. Well, you get it right – there are a lot of contradictory statements associated with the origins of Christmas.

But this doesn’t really hamper the meaning of Christmas. Christmas is about celebrating the birth of the Lord Jesus while coming together with your friends and family and bonding with one another. The religious meaning of Christmas, however, has been declining slowly. These days, it’s more of commercialism associated with the holidays. People flocking at Target and Wal-mart stores with shopping carts full of gifts and ornaments are a common sight. Have we become more inclined to the commercial aspect of the holidays? It is important that the tradition of family bonding associated with the Christmas holidays continues forever and the essence of Christmas stays among us.

Christmas Food

Even if you are not an ardent food lover, you cannot deny the love for holiday food. Be it Thanksgiving’s turkey or Christmas’ plum pudding, holiday food is enjoyed by one and all. Christmas cookies, gingerbread, eggnog, cheese log, apple cider, and much more – makes your mouth water.

Holiday food is cooked with great passion, and families relish the delectable meals together during the holidays.

More on Christmas

Christmas means a rush of fun-filled activities. From shopping in crowded malls to eating out with friends and families, people do a lot to celebrate their Christmas holidays. Kids do not miss out on the chance of getting the things they wish for from their parents.

You can do a lot more on Christmas other than the regular routine celebrations. Bake some ginger cookies, wrap them nicely, and go visiting. You can also plan to create your own tree ornaments from scratch this year. Making your own ornaments will not only help you save money, it will also give you a sense of pride when you see them up on your Christmas tree. If you have kids, involve them in such activities; they’ll learn while having fun with colors, ribbons, and glitters.

Have you thought of turning into a thespian this season and visiting churches to sing carols and play some acts with young children? In case you do not have the singing talent, you could read out Christmas stories to little kids, stage an act around these stories, and help them learn and understand about Christmas?

Whatever you do this season, let your Christmas be a merry one.

Merry Regards,

Lecture Notes

Dear Friends,

There is a blog site called ,

I found this blog a good one which contains basic Engineering Materials good enough in number , which is downloadable from the external file sharing site.

Have a Informative Day.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ayodhya Verdict

Dear Friends,

Here is the best Judgement for Babri Masjid Ram Temple Verdict.....

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Life With Out Google.... !

Dear Reader, Please click inside the text, to have a enlarged view.

Thank You.

Informative Regards,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Success Behind Google

The Real Success Behind Google


Team Work Always Workzz.....!


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Alert : Your Password !

Dear Reader,

Being an Computer Security Consultant and Certified Ethical Hacker, i would like to share something regard your passwords you use in your day-day life in various login prompts.
Passwords are of great security risk. So Its mandatory for every Internet user to read the following.
The first thing to you need to know is that, there are thieves everywhere and the Internet has its fair share of bandits of all types. The most frightening and potentially dangerous thief is the identity thief. An identity thief can go beyond stealing the contents of your bank accounts or running up debts on your credit card. Identity theft can result in you being pursued for debts incurred in your name by the thief, being blacklisted by credit reference agencies and even being arrested on criminal charges. By taking a few simple precautions, you can ensure your identity is safe online. The following are seven effective tips for password protection online.

Password Protection Tips

Use More Than One Password

1. Do not use the same password for everything. There are many people who use one password for everything because they would have trouble remembering numerous passwords and can't be bothered to write them all down. If you use the same password for everything and a thief gets hold of it, he has access to every online facility you use. If a crook gets hold of your personal details for any program, one of his first actions will be to check to find out if you have a PayPal account where you use the same password.

Avoid "Dictionary" Passwords

2. Do not use any words to be found in the dictionary as passwords. Passwords should be a meaningless mixture of letters, numbers and (if the login permits) symbols. Thieves use software programs that can identify dictionary words when they are used as passwords.

Avoid Obvious Passwords

3. Do not use obvious things for identity confirmation. Your date of birth, mother's maiden name, father's middle name etc are matters of record that are available to thieves. Choose a more obscure option such as your favourite color or the name of your first school. If a program gives you no choice and you have to provide your mother's maiden name, don't give the real one, make one up (and use a different one for each program requiring this information) but make sure you don't forget the names you invent.

Beware Of Phishing

4. Never click a link in any email asking you to update personal information. Any email asking you to do this will be a "phishing" email from thieves trying to get hold of your personal details. If a genuine company needs you to confirm anything, it will ask you to log into your account, it will not ask you to click through via a "special" link.

Keep All Passwords Secret

5. Never tell anyone else your password. No legitimate company will ever ask you to give them your password.

Password Security Software

6. Use a software program to store your passwords on your PC. The Mozilla Firefox toolbar will save your login passwords for you and enable you to log in to programs with just one mouse click. Roboform will do the same thing. It will also record the url of sites you log in at and recognise any attempt at phishing. Roboform also has a function to generate completely random passwords for any program you use. The "portable" version of Roboform can be plugged into any pc, thereby enabling you to use your passwords without fear of theft by keystroke loggers.

Change Passwords Regularly

7. Change your passwords regularly, being sure to use brand new passwords, not recycled ones from a month or two ago. This way the damage will be limited if a thief gets access to a database containing your details.

Identity thieves are everywhere. They are happy to rummage through your garbage in the hope of finding a copy of your bank statement or a discarded utility bill. Compared to that dirty work, stealing your identity via a password you use on the Internet is a pleasant option. It is up to you to make sure the pleasant option is not easy for the thieves.

Have a Informative visit.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Top 10 Best Hackers

The Ten Biggest Legends of the Hacker Universe

The culture started from the, The hackers culture. Now I am an ethical hacker and many more people like me either interested in or wanted to be hacker , DO you know why is that so ? Answer is these guys made term hacking popular worldwide.
I know they were bad boys , but as an ethical hacker I salute their intelligence , their dedication , and everything they did.

For the users of this blog I am specially posting the names of top 10 hackers of the world who sometime in the past really rocked the news of the world.

Kevin Mitnick: Known worldwide as the “most famous hacker” and for having been the first to serve a prison sentence for infiltrating computer systems. He started dabbling when he was a minor, using the practice known as phone phreaking. Although he has never worked in programming, Mitnick is totally convinced that you can cause severe damage with a telephone and some calls. These days, totally distanced from his old hobbies and after passing many years behind bars, he works as a security consultant for multinational companies through his company “Mitnick Security.”

Gary McKinnon: This 41-year-old Scotsman, also known as Solo, is the perpetrator of what’s considered the biggest hack in the history of computer science – into a military system. Not satisfied with this, in the years 2001 and 2002, he made a mockery of the information security of NASA itself and the Pentagon. Currently he is at liberty awarding his extradition to the U.S. and prohibited access to a computer with Internet connection.

Vladimir Levin: This Russian biochemist and mathematician was accused of having committed one of the biggest bank robberies of all times by means of the cracking technique. From Saint Petersburg, Levin managed to transfer funds estimated at approximately 10 million dollars from Citibank in New York to accounts he had opened in distant parts of the world. He was arrested by INTERPOL in 1995 at Heathrow airport (England). Although he managed to rob more than 10 million dollars, he was only sentenced to three years in prison. Currently he is free.

Kevin Poulsen: Today he may be a journalist and collaborates with authorities to track paedophiles on the Internet, but Poulsen has a dark past as a cracker and phreaker. The event that brought him the most notoriety was taking over Los Angeles phone lines in 1990. A radio station was offering a Porsche as a prize for whoever managed to be caller number 102. It goes without saying that Poulsen was the winner of the contest.

Timothy Lloyd: In 1996, information services company Omega, provider of NASA and the United States Navy, suffered losses of around 10 million dollars. And it was none other than Tim Lloyd, an x-employee fired some weeks earlier, who was the cause of this financial disaster. Lloyd left a virtually activated information bomb in the company’s codes, which finally detonated July 31 of that same year.

Robert Morris: Son of one of the forerunners in the creation of the virus, in 1988 Morris managed to infect no fewer than 6,000 computers connected to the ArpaNet network (one of the precursors to the internet) He did it from the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and for his criminal activities he earned a four year prison sentence, which was finally reduced to community service.

David Smith: Not all hackers can boast of creating the virus that spread the fastest to computers the width and breadth of the globe – David Smith can. In 1999, the father of the Melissa virus managed to infect and crash 100,000 email accounts with his malicious creation. Smith, who was thirty years old at the time, was sentenced and freed on bail.

MafiaBoy: In February of 2000, many of the most important online companies in the US, such as eBay, Yahoo and Amazon, suffered a technical glitch called Denial of Service, which caused a total of 1700 million dollars in losses. But did these sites know that the perpetrator of the attack was a 16 year-old Canadian who responded to the alias MafiaBoy? Surely not, although it didn’t take them long to find out, thanks to his bragging about his bad deed to his classmates at school.

Masters of Deception (MoD): MoD was a New York cyber-gang that reached its apogee in the early 90s. Under the cover of different aliases, its biggest attacks involved taking over telephone lines and centres of the Internet, then still in its infancy. During this time McD starred in the historic “battles of the hackers,” along with other groups like the Legion of Doom (LoD), as they sought to destroy each other until the computers couldn’t take it anymore.

Richard Stallman: Since the early 80s when he was a hacker specializing in artificial intelligence, this hippie-looking New Yorker has been one of the most active militants in favor of free software. At MIT he firmly opposed the privatization of the software used by the institute’s laboratory, so much so they he created what today is known as GNU and the concept of CopyLeft. Popular systems like Linux utilize the GNU mode and Stallman is currently one of the gurus of software democratization

Google 2008 Logo Revealed

Hello Dear Friends,

The secret of two hidden messages in Google 2008 Logo Has Been Revealed.

The secrete messages in Google's 2008 logo revealed. Google put silently two hidden messages in its 2008 logo. Google is celebrating 25 years of TCP/IP and the New Year.

Following are the two messages, with its meaning.

1) In this message Google is showing a cable making 2008.

2) The second message shows "SYN SYN/ACK ACK" on the bottom of the logo in little colored dots (see carefully).

What Is Syn Syn Ack Ack?
The syn syn ack ack is referred as a "Three Way Handshake."

To establish a connection, TCP uses a three-way handshake. Before a client attempts to connect with a server, the server must first bind to a port to open it up for connections: this is called a passive open. Once the passive open is established, a client may initiate an active open. To establish a connection, the three-way (or 3-step) handshake occurs: Wikipedia

The "SYN" flags are requests by the TCP stack at one end of a socket to synchronize themselves to the sequence numbering for this new sessions. The ACK flags acknowlege earlier packets in this session. Obviously only the initial packet has no ACK flag, since there are no previous packets to acknowlege. Only the second packet (the first response from a server to a client) has both the SYN and the ACK bits set. linuxgazette.

In the neverending journey for sockets to shake hands, there has always been the cordial behind the scenes introduction. To imagine life without SYN/ACK would be akin to imagining life without the Internet. And that's quite scary. thinkgeek.


eSSL - BioMetric Attendance

FBAC 9(F9) - Fingerprint Time and attendance + Access Control system

Hello Dear Friends,

In recent times here and there in every office room in Karunya, we would be seeing some green light machine, which is the attendence system for staffs. Regarding that i found some details over that in the net.

The device is based upon the finder print sensor, and the provider is eSSL.

The Following are some facts about that device.

Product Description
FBAC9(F9) is a standalone fingerprint T&A + Access Control system System, IN and OUT status, also low price with good performance, designed specially in the purpose of popularizing the fingerprint products. It could store 1500 fingerprint templates and 50000 transaction records. It will bring you much profits because of its low price.

Technical Specification
  • User Capacity:1500/8000
  • Transaction Storage :50000
  • Communications: RS232 ,RS485, TCP/IP, USB
  • Identification time : < =2S
  • FAR: <=0.0001%
  • FRR: <=1%
  • Operating Temperature : 0�C - 45�C
  • Operating Humidity : 20%-80%
  • Sensor: OEM Optical Sensor 500 DPI
  • Card reader: EM RFID(Proximity), Mifare/HID iProx (Optional)
  • Weigand: Input/Output
  • Language: English
This device supports eTime Tracklite software. Which keeps control of the device attached to a computer
for small organisations and with server for huge companies and institutions like karunya. I hope in Karunya
they could have linked the data with the CMS server through LAN, as we could be able to see that.

For Further all details & to know about thier innovative and the projects beyond imagination,
visit thier website :

Well Wishing Regards,

Google Wave - (Update)

Update on Google Wave

We have always pursued innovative projects because we want to drive breakthroughs in computer science that dramatically improve our users’ lives. Last year at Google I/O, when we launched our developer preview of Google Wave, a web app for real time communication and collaboration, it set a high bar for what was possible in a web browser. We showed character-by-character live typing, and the ability to drag-and-drop files from the desktop, even “playback” the history of changes—all within a browser. Developers in the audience stood and cheered. Some evenwaved their laptops.

We were equally jazzed about Google Wave internally, even though we weren’t quite sure how users would respond to this radically different kind of communication. The use cases we’ve seen show the power of this technology: sharing images and other media in real time; improving spell-checking by understanding not just an individual word, but also the context of each word; and enabling third-party developers to build new tools like consumer gadgets for travel, or robots to check code.

But despite these wins, and numerous loyal fans, Wave has not seen the user adoption we would have liked. We don’t plan to continue developing Wave as a standalone product, but we will maintain the site at least through the end of the year and extend the technology for use in other Google projects. The central parts of the code, as well as the protocols that have driven many of Wave’s innovations, like drag-and-drop and character-by-character live typing, are already available as open source, so customers and partners can continue the innovation we began. In addition, we will work on tools so that users can easily “liberate” their content from Wave.

Wave has taught us a lot, and we are proud of the team for the ways in which they have pushed the boundaries of computer science. We are excited about what they will develop next as we continue to create innovations with the potential to advance technology and the wider web.

Your Antivirus Working Properly or Not ?

Hello Dear Friends,

Do you know you can check your antivirus manually in one stepthat is it working properly or not??? Or is ur antivirus is got infected by viruses???
If you have any doubt on ur antivirus then immediately check performance of your antivirus by EICAR.

What is EICAR???

This is a dummy file for testing and checking performance of any antivirus..... which is detected exactly as if it were a virus. This file is known as the EICARStandard Anti-Virus Test file.
Naturally, this file is not a virus and not harm ur system. Just it use to test ur AV. When executed, it will display the text "EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!" and exit. It is developed by the European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research, to test the response of computer antivirus.

How to create an EICAR file???
To create an EICAR test file, open notepad and paste the following line of code.....


Now Save the file with any nameusing an exe extension; for example, FakeVirus.exe

After creating EICAR???

After creating EICAR file, if your antivirus detect it as virus anddeleteit, then your antivirus is working prefectly.

The EICAR test file can be detected by several antivirus like Norton, bit defender, F-Secure, AVG, Antivir etc. as a virus.
I have tested this on my lap, and my antivirus(Norton) has proved its performance....
What about urs????

Check it..... !

Well Wishing Regards,


Introducing Google Buzz

From Todd Jackson,
We've taken to add social features to our products, and efforts likeOpenSocial that propose common tools for building social apps. With more and more communication happening online, the social web has exploded as the primary way to share interesting stuff, tell the world what you're up to in real-time and stay more connected to more people. In today's world of status messages, tweets and update streams, it's increasingly tough to sort through it all, much less engage in meaningful conversations.

Our belief is that organizing the social information on the web — finding relevance in the noise — has become a large-scale challenge, one that Google's experience in organizing information can help solve. We've recently launched innovations like
real-time searchand Social Search, and today we're taking another big step with the introduction of a new product,Google Buzz.

Google Buzz is a new way to start conversations about the things you find interesting. It's
built right into Gmail, so you don't have to peck out an entirely new set of friends from scratch — it just works. If you think about it, there's always been a big social network underlying Gmail. Buzz brings this network to the surface by automatically setting you up to follow the people you email and chat with the most. We focused on building an easy-to-use sharing experience that richly integrates photos, videos and links, and makes it easy to share publicly or privately (so you don't have to use different tools to share with different audiences). Plus, Buzz integrates tightly with your existing Gmail inbox, so you're sure to see the stuff that matters most as it happens in real time.

We're rolling out Buzz to all Gmail accounts over the next few days, so if you don't see it in your account yet, check back soon. We also plan to make Google Buzz available to businesses and schools using Google Apps, with added features for sharing within organizations.

On your phone, Google Buzz is much more than just a small screen version of the desktop experience. Mobile devices add an important component to sharing: location. Posts tagged with geographical information have an extra dimension of context — the answer to the question "where were you when you shared this?" can communicate so much. And when viewed in aggregate, the posts about a particular location can paint an extremely rich picture of that place. Check out the
Mobile Blogfor more info about all of the ways to use Buzz on your phone, from a new mobile web app to a Buzz layer in Google Maps for mobile.

We've relied on other services' openness in order to build Buzz (you can connect Flickr and Twitter from Buzz in Gmail), and Buzz itself is not designed to be a closed system. Our goal is to make Buzz a fully open and distributed platform for conversations. We're building on a suite of open protocols to create a complete read/write developer API, and we invite developers to join us on Google Code to see what is available today and to learn more about how to participate.

We really hope you enjoy the experiences we've built within Gmail and for mobile phones. If you want to learn more, visit

Courtesy: Todd Jackson, Product Manager, Gmail and Google Buzz.

Well Wishing Regards,

Monday, August 2, 2010

Happy Friendship Day


Hello Dear Viewer,

You May/May not heared about this, which i was about to share with you.

There is some site called as .

Which is a site developed with an intention to store all web bookmarks.

All you have to do is just to have a signup there with a Yahoo account.

Delicious is also having a blog as

Another greatest advantage is that we may make our bookmarks Private/Public. In turn which will also give you a chance to see others various book marks of various sites in the world of internet.

In Simple, its a dictionary for the internet , where you will be able to find too many site links.

Just try & be benefited with this precious resource.

You may also find me as a user there in delicious as "NanoJeba"
Well Wishing Regards,

Friday, July 30, 2010