Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dear Friends,Family,Relatives,Staffs & Readers,

Now i've been moved from here owning a domain for me.....

So here after wards all my blogs are posted here in ,

Blogs & Much More Stuffs planned there.....

Continue your Comments & Support.

Thankful Regards,

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Top Ten Global Fears(Phobias)

This is a global fears top ten:

1. Fear of public speaking (Glossophobia)

2. Fear of death (Necrophobia)

3. Fear of spiders (Arachnophobia)

4. Fear of darkness (Achluophobia, Scotophobia or Myctophobia)

5. Fear of heights (Acrophobia)

‎6. Fear of people or social situations (Sociophobia)

7. Fear of flying (Aerophobia)

8. Fear of open spaces(Agoraphobia)

9. Fear of thunder and lightning(Brontophobia)

10. Fear of confined spaces(Claustrophobia)

Informative Regards,

My Hostel Room

Being this as the Month Of Christmas ,

To add a touch to the christmas celebration , christ has born on our room.

A Small Manger. We the room mates extend our warm Welcome and our great wish to Jesus christ to born , not only on cribs but on all our hearts too.

Christ Born On our hearts giving new life,hope & Peace.

We Welcome You Jesus.

"Happy Birthday jesus......."

Thankful Regards,

Itz All About Christmas

You celebrate it, you enjoy it – but have you ever wondered what is Christmas? Calling you friends and families over for delectable meals, exchanging gifts by the side of beautifully adorned trees, this is what we comprehend of the Christmas holidays.

But what exactly is this widely celebrated time of the year all about?

What is Christmas?

When it comes to discussing the origins of Christmas, many theories have been brought forward claiming one thing or the other about Christmas. The widely-believed theory suggests that Christmas has been with us for over 4,000 years and celebrations similar to that of Christmas took place even before the birth of the Christ child.

Although Christmas is celebrated on December 25 every year, About Christmas it has been said that Jesus was in fact born in the spring. Well, you get it right – there are a lot of contradictory statements associated with the origins of Christmas.

But this doesn’t really hamper the meaning of Christmas. Christmas is about celebrating the birth of the Lord Jesus while coming together with your friends and family and bonding with one another. The religious meaning of Christmas, however, has been declining slowly. These days, it’s more of commercialism associated with the holidays. People flocking at Target and Wal-mart stores with shopping carts full of gifts and ornaments are a common sight. Have we become more inclined to the commercial aspect of the holidays? It is important that the tradition of family bonding associated with the Christmas holidays continues forever and the essence of Christmas stays among us.

Christmas Food

Even if you are not an ardent food lover, you cannot deny the love for holiday food. Be it Thanksgiving’s turkey or Christmas’ plum pudding, holiday food is enjoyed by one and all. Christmas cookies, gingerbread, eggnog, cheese log, apple cider, and much more – makes your mouth water.

Holiday food is cooked with great passion, and families relish the delectable meals together during the holidays.

More on Christmas

Christmas means a rush of fun-filled activities. From shopping in crowded malls to eating out with friends and families, people do a lot to celebrate their Christmas holidays. Kids do not miss out on the chance of getting the things they wish for from their parents.

You can do a lot more on Christmas other than the regular routine celebrations. Bake some ginger cookies, wrap them nicely, and go visiting. You can also plan to create your own tree ornaments from scratch this year. Making your own ornaments will not only help you save money, it will also give you a sense of pride when you see them up on your Christmas tree. If you have kids, involve them in such activities; they’ll learn while having fun with colors, ribbons, and glitters.

Have you thought of turning into a thespian this season and visiting churches to sing carols and play some acts with young children? In case you do not have the singing talent, you could read out Christmas stories to little kids, stage an act around these stories, and help them learn and understand about Christmas?

Whatever you do this season, let your Christmas be a merry one.

Merry Regards,

Lecture Notes

Dear Friends,

There is a blog site called ,

I found this blog a good one which contains basic Engineering Materials good enough in number , which is downloadable from the external file sharing site.

Have a Informative Day.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ayodhya Verdict

Dear Friends,

Here is the best Judgement for Babri Masjid Ram Temple Verdict.....

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Life With Out Google.... !

Dear Reader, Please click inside the text, to have a enlarged view.

Thank You.

Informative Regards,